Get a $500 Finder’s Fee When You Sign Up a Retailer for a Shop Local Online Store ~ Plus Your Retailer Receives $500.
Please send your referral to Shop Local.
- Merchant must be new to Shop Local.
- Merchant must have a brick-and-mortar store location.
- Merchant must Sync with two Syncing Brands.
- Merchant must have the Online Store and Registry active.
- Merchant must log in to their account.
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Created as a duet with our great friend & renowned artist, Deborah Sears (pictured), our Country Estate ceramics are truly a collection of artwork. Depicting a story about generations of family, their custodianship of the land, & their frolicking through various seasons, holidays, and family traditions. Their story is told through one piece of ceramic at a time & weaves a narrative of a life well lived with joy, purposeful work, & surrounded by the ones ...
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Shop Local indies beat every other retailer. No retailer big or small ranked higher than our indie shops in Google.
In Louisiana, 7 Shop Local results appear on page 1 of Google.
Shop Local indies beat every other retailer. No retailer big or small ranked higher than our indie shops in Google.
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We found 17 unique ways thatΒ our registry service helps gift givers, registrants, and merchants.
When we compared our registry service to other registry software, we found 17 unique ways that our registry service helps gift givers, registrants, & merchants. Many other registry services don’t offer these 17 features below.
6 Ways Our Service Helps Gift Givers in Ways That Other Services Do Not
Gift Giver’s Experience (E.g. Friend or family member giving a gift)
- The gift giver can easily find the registrant’s gift list because the
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Dollars & Sense
What your business can learn from the celebrated economist Daniel Kahneman
What your business can learn from the celebrated economist Daniel Kahneman
Daniel Kahneman, the celebrated economist, passed away last month. The Nobel Prize and Presidential Medal of Freedom winner gave us insights into the economics of the mind, such as people fearing loss more than gain, making short sighted decisions, and overly relying on feelings.
We can often use Mr. Kahneman's insights in our business's daily operations.
Risk Assessment
Jason Zweig’s The Wall St. Journal profile on him shares an insight about ...
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21 Challenges Observed with Gift Reggie for Gift Givers, Registrants, and Merchants
21 Challenges Observed with Gift Reggie for Gift Givers, Registrants, and Merchants
The opinions expressed in this article and video are based on our personal observations and experiences with Gift Reggie. While we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information, the experiences described may not be representative of all users. This article and video do not make any definitive claims about the practices of specific registry services or features. This review is intended to provide a personal perspective on the service and ...
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