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Have you been to Marion Emporium in South Carolina? Swing by and enjoy their beautiful shop--and you may bump into one of Bridge's review or wedding registry table tents. These encourage reviews and increase registry sign ups.
Visit Marion Emporium's Bridge Store:
https://marionemporium.bridgecatalog.com/ps - Thanks to Stephanie Indergaard for sharing these pics. :)
Customers walk into your store but leave empty handed? That's ok: as long as they register with you :) Customers don't have to spend money for you to make money –– leave that to their friends and family. Get young couples to register. Live With It, a premier gift shop with two locations in Pennsylvania, is an expert at this.
Oct. 21, 2016
• 10:59 AM
• 3,038 days ago
Oct. 21, 2016
• 10:59 AM
• 3,038 days ago
Is this not the cutest way to announce that your store has a bridal registry? We love the way The Crystal Plate paired the bridal doll with our new table tent.
Did you get the table tents we mailed you? If so, please email us some pics of them in action. :)
Mary at House of Barnard:
6344 Hwy 84
Patterson, Ga. 31557
The Coastal Cupboard:
The Coastal Cupboard
Belle Hall Shopping Center
644J Long Point Road
Mt. Pleasant SC 29464
Catherine at HRH Antiques & Design:
Catherine Henry
HRH Antiques and Design
99 Old Wells Road
West Point, GA 31833
Neysa at Neysa's Fireside:
109 North Street
Cleveland MS 38732